Panic… PANIC!!!!!!!

So here’s a look at what I’ve been doing so far. I’m quite pleased with how the animation looks, because I expected it to look rough around the edges because of the resizing of the character, but it actually looks clean.

So far the animating has been great so far, kind of tricky at the start, because I was trying to get hand of animating characters in after effects again, and also learning how to correctly import files from Photoshop, for example importing them as compositions instead of footage’s, so that the layers that I create in Photoshop will cross over as well, instead of being a flat image. But to sum up animating is quite simple once you get the hang of it.

At the moment myself and Lydia have got half a of a scene animated, where as Adam has one scene animated and has started another. I myself took on the longest scene to animate which is why it’s taking so long for me to do this one scene, but luckily I’m almost done with that scene, and with the next one that I have to is pretty straight forward and can be done within a matter of hours.

We’ve also got our new script recorded which nice, so we’re pretty much waiting all the scenes to be finished animating then we can put them all together, and I’m confident we’ll submit by the deadline if keep on track.

Toon Vs Actor Evaluation


To evaluate this project, I strongly believe that I have created a discussion between a Toon and a real-life character, and although I differed away from the original brief’s approach I stilled managed to discuss about different camera techniques and film language.

Looking at this project, my strengths definitely resided the characters design and script. The design of Tobias suits character, as a failing con artist, the colour scheme does well to bring out his personality. As for the script I’ve done well to establish the relationship between Tobias and James, as well as give myself plenty of opportunities to talk about the different camera shots I will use for the storyboard.

Although these good points there are few drawbacks to the project. My time management was an improvement to the previous project, getting all of the planning and idea generating done in the first week leaving all the practical stuff for the last week, but I was a bit slow in starting the rest of the project, leaving me with little time to polish up the storyboard and really think and discuss about which camera shots I would use and why? As well as even extended it to fit all the scenes from the script. I must work on it for further projects.

Overall I am pleased with the results and believe it was a successful attempt to the brief. If I were to do this again or something similar, I would like work more on my storyboard, as well as my discussion of camera techniques for the different shots.


Meeting Tobias


A bright flash. James opens his eyes to find himself in a strange place, very different to alleyway he was previously in.

James: “Where am I…?”

He looked around and scouted the area, tall trees that blocked out the sunlight, bushes that masked out the sound of creatures in the distance.

James: “How did I end up in a forest?”

He took another look around and notice there was something off about the trees, they looked different to ones back home. They had more colour to them and they almost looked flat, like they belonged in a cartoon or something. Suddenly James’s focus was distracted by a rustling in the bushes opposite him, getting wild and aggressive. He looked closer trying to make out what was making bushes move, but as it got more aggressive, he moved back, trying to prepare himself for whatever comes out. Then suddenly a tiny squirrel pokes it’s head out the bushes letting out a cute little squeak, before jumping out scurrying to the nearest tree. James gave out a sigh of relief, thinking it was stupid that he got worked up and scared of tiny squirrel. He chuckled as he composed himself before being interrupted.

Stranger: “Gee, you got scared by a tiny squirrel?”

James: “AAAAAAH!!!”

He jumps and crashes to ground, looking up at a tall dark figure, he couldn’t make out the stranger because of the sun that was glaring into his eyes.

Stranger: “You wouldn’t make it 1 day out here…”

James tensed up, prepping himself for any attack that the stranger could inflict.

Stranger: “It’s good thing that I found you then…”

The stranger moved in front of the sun to reveal a lively gentleman in a waist coat as he tipped his fedora to James.

Tobias: “The name’s Tobias… Inventor Extraordinaire and I have the perfect solution for you”

James picked himself up, dusting off his red flannel shirt, white t-shirt, black jeans and boots as he looked at Tobias. He wore a purple shirt with a grey waist coat, combined with orange trousers and a bowtie. He postures and gestures were all proper, like he was an entertainer for the royal variety, using his red sphered cane as an extension of his body. Which was weird considering his clothes were dirty with patches and tears all over, even his brown shoes looked worn out, he even wore pair of brown fingerless gloves to top it off. But James wasn’t bothered by it, in fact nothing concerned him, because he was too shocked at the fact that in front him was an actual real-life cartoon character.

Tobias: “Never get lost in the woods again with this state of the art NAVIGATOR!”

Tobias pulls out a painted rock that was tied to a bunch of sticks with the words ‘NAVFGATEOR’ on it, waving it in front of James trying to get his attention.

Tobias: “No…? Ah of course! You’re out here for adventure! Well an adventure wouldn’t be adventure without your own treasure map!”

He pulls out a piece of paper with the words ‘Treasure Map’ misspelled, with a bunch of different coloured scribbles with an ‘X’ in the middle.

Tobias: “Legend has it that within these woodlands there’s a secret, legendary treasure that was buried by the none other than Captain U.S.Less. During the Gold Age.”

James: “I… Er…”

Tobias: “Yeah you’re right it’s not really a map, I’m not really sure how I got this?”

Tobias throws away the map and starts rummaging through his bag pulling out a variety of ‘Gadgets’ and ‘Gizmos’ made of junk.

Tobias: “Here how about this cloak of invisibility or maybe this chalice of eternal youth, why not both for a low, low price…? Wow tough customer, you’re not like the other bozos from town… In fact, you look kind of different to the others in town, strange almost, are you new in town?”

James: “How… Wher…?”

Tobias: “Come on speak up”

James clears his throat.

James: “Where am I?”

Tobias: “You are new. Well, right now you’re in the middle of the Mystery Woods home to all things weird and wonderful in the town of H.O.W.T”

James: “Mystery Woods…? H.O.W.T…?”

Tobias: “Yes weren’t you paying attention… How rude”

James: “This must be a dream… This can’t be real… Man I shouldn’t have watched Who Framed Roger Rabbit before bed yesterday.”

Tobias: “What are you talking about? This ain’t no dream buddy, at least I hope not that’ll be such a cheap cop-out of an ending…”

James: “I’ve just got to wake up…”

Tobias: “Here!”

Tobias reaches over and slaps James across the face

James: “AH! What the hell was that for?”

Tobias: “Well you seemed pretty convinced that this was a dream, I wanted to see if you were right… guess you weren’t”

James: “Oh god… How is this possible… You’re animated, this whole world is animated!”

Tobias: “What are you talking about? What does animated mean? Is that an insult? Are you insulting me? How dare you!”

James: “Shut up! Just… let me think”

Tobias: “Wow you got issues”

Tobias steps back as James ponders to himself

James: “Right the last thing I remember, I was walking home from Uni and… I heard a noise coming from the alleyway… I went to go check it out and saw two guys messing with something. It looked like some sort of crystal of some kind…

Tobias jolts up at the word of crystal

Tobias: “Crystal…?

James: “Then there was this big, bright flash… And then I ended up here…?”

Tobias: “Did you mention a crystal? What did it look like?”

Tobias leaned in closer

James: “It was greenish, with some form of pattern all over it”

Tobias: “Hmmm…”

James: “Why do you know something about it? Could get me home?”

Tobias: “I’m not sure, but I remember a couple of weeks back the folks in town were going crazy because a crystal of the same description went missing.”

James: “How does that help me?”

Tobias: “Maybe somebody knows where the crystal went”

James: “I guess that’s a start”

Tobias: “Okay then let’s go”

Tobias begin to walk towards the exit of the forest with James following, before he stops abruptly.

James: “Wait why are you helping me? What’s in it for you?”

Tobias: “What do you mean? I’m just being a good Samaritan by helping a person in distress”

He stands tall with head held high

James: “Yeah I’m not buying it”

Tobias slouches

Tobias: “Huh?”

James: “No offense but you do a pretty rubbish job of hiding the fact you’re a con-man”

Tobias: (Surprised) “Wha… I… Er… Fine you got me. Most of this stuff is just made of crap I got from the junkyard”

James: (Sarcastically) “Wow I never would have guessed…”

Tobias: “Yeah whatever”

James: “So why are you helping me?”

Tobias: “Let’s just say if someone else didn’t pinch the crystal I would’ve instead”

James: (Sarcastic) “Shocking…”

James: “Anyway I don’t care, as long as I can home, you can have it”

The two head towards the exit of the forest heading to the town in search for answers.



“Man I shouldn’t have watched Who Framed Roger Rabbit before bed yesterday”

  • Who Framed Roger Rabbit, 1988 [DVD] Robert Zemeckis, United States: Buena Vista Pictures.


Figure It Out

I’ve done some character designs and idea generating today. WHOOP!


I was pretty confused with the brief before today. I wasn’t sure which approach to take whether to do a pitch or a discussion between two characters. Although the pitch was the easiest to do, it’ll be quite difficult to write 1250 words without rambling. As for the discussion, it’ll be difficult to include topics about Cinematography and Film Language without forcing it.


So I discussed with Jemma, and after some thought, we came up with a great approach. Instead of doing one or the other, I can try combine the two approaches in a way. I’d write the discussion between a Human and a Toon, with some minor references to other Live-Action meets Cartoon films. After that’s done I will make a Storyboard of the short scene, and name and list all the camera movements I will use, on top of that some character sketches and designs with notes about the way they look.

So I started thinking of the story that will unfold. I came up with a few good ideas, but the idea of having a toon con-man trying to sell false goods to an outsider, kind of stuck with me. It reminded me of Stan Pines from Gravity Falls, and his constant quest to con the town and get rich.


Here’s a sketch on the Con-Man Toon. I really like the design of this character and really shows that I’ve managed to adapt my own style. I’ve also took inspiration from Reaver from the Fable Series, another con-man but a lot more dangerous than Stan from GF. Although I like the character, Reavers personality is not something I want my character to have. My character is not exactly a successful con-man, and the shop that he owns isn’t the most popular. Although if a customer walks in, he does his best to dress to impress.

Image result for Stan pines

Gravity Falls: Stan Pines May Die In S02E19! | 2017. Gravity Falls: Stan Pines May Die In S02E19! | [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 23 March 2017].

Image result for Reaver fable

The Fable Wiki. 2017. Reaver | The Fable Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 23 March 2017].

You’re still not finished… MWHAHAHA!!!

So at the end of last week, I was in quite the Happy state. I’ve finally finished the 10 Week project that had been the bane of my existence for quite some time, Easters just around the corner, and I was celebrating my 21st Birthday with friends and lots and lots of alcohol… But it wouldn’t be a complete term in Animation at Nottingham Trent University if there wasn’t a mini project after a really big one, just to trick you into thinking you were actually done… fool…

Anyway I’m rambling. So our contextual assignment of the year is called Toon vs Actor, where we must discuss mixing the real with the unreal or vise versa. It’s a very open project with many different approaches we can take, as long as we can discuss about various Film Languages and Cinematography techniques in our approaches.

There are 2 optional approaches that I may take with this assignment. 1 is a proposal for a Live action meets animation movie like Who Framed Roger Rabbit, or Space Jam, where I discuss how I would go about creating the film in terms of camera techniques and shots, as well as talking about the narrative. Option 2 is something similar to last terms assignment with having two characters in a discussion, presenting evidence to back up there points. I was thinking of having an Actor and a Toon discussing/arguing about each others forms of media.

YouTube. 2017. Who Framed Roger Rabbit – Trailer (HD) (1988) – YouTube. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 21 March 2017].

YouTube. 2017. Space Jam (1996) Official Trailer – Michael Jordan, Bill Murray Movie HD – YouTube. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 21 March 2017].

YouTube. 2017. Looney Tunes Back IN Action Trailer – YouTube. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 21 March 2017].

Here we have a few references I’ve dug up from memory in regards to my first option. These are okay references in terms of mixing Live Action and Reality,  and they give me a good indication of some of the techniques that each films use, like the video below.

YouTube. 2017. The Making of Who Framed Roger Rabbit – YouTube. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 21 March 2017].

As for the 2nd option I was thinking the two characters are in the unreal world, maybe the Actor gets stuck somehow, and meets up with the toon, which’ll lead to the discussion.

Image result for adventure time world

Pinterest. 2017. 1000+ images about Adventure time on Pinterest | Its always, Dolphins and The pillow. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 21 March 2017].

Star vs. the Forces of Evil Wiki. 2017. Mewni | Star vs. the Forces of Evil Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 21 March 2017].

Image result for gravity falls mabel world

The Entertainment Nut. 2017. Episode Review: Gravity Falls (Season 2, Episode 19) – Weirdmageddon, Part 2 | The Entertainment Nut. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 21 March 2017].

In the discussion between the Actor and the Toon, they will journey through the world that the Toon lives in. This’ll be one of the discussion points that the Actor will make, saying the world that the Toon lives in is crazy and dangerous, or something like this. Something similar to the world of Adventure Time, or The Kingdom of Mewni from Star vs The Forces of Evil or even Mabel Land from Gravity Falls, places which are full of weird and wonderful things that wouldn’t happen in the real world.

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